"The IRSF-Zaritsky-AKARI-Spitzer(IRAC-MIPS) merged catalog" allLMC_1.izas4r :LMC IRSF-Zaritsky-AKARI-Spitzer(IRAC+MIPS24) merged catalog vol.1 allLMC_2.izas4r :vol.2 allLMC_3.izas4r :vol.3 allLMC_4.izas4r :vol.4 allLMC_5.izas4r :vol.5 allLMC_6.izas4r :vol.6 "allLMC.izas4r" is devided into six files. The format of each file is as follows: IRSFcatalog 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ID R.A. DEC. Jm jer Hm her Km ker qflg pflg aflg matching Zaritsky catalog 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Nm1 dr1 R.A. Dec. Um uer Bm ber Vm ver Im ier flg flg2 IRSFcatalog 2(sharpness and chi) 27 28 29 30 31 32 jshp jchi hshp hchi kshp kchi matching AKARI catalog 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Nm2 dr2 R.A. DEC. mN3 eN3 mS7 eS7 mS11 eS11 mL15 eL15 mL24 eL24 matching Spitzer-IRAC catalog 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Nm3 dr3 ID1 ID2 R.A. DEC. Jm jer Hm her Km ker m36 e36 m45 e45 m58 e58 m80 e80 matching Spitzer (MIPS) catalog 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Nm4 dr4 ID R.A. DEC. m240 e240 Bm: B magnitude (Um, Vm, Im, Jm, Hm, Km, m36, m45, m58, m80, m240) ber: B photometric error (...) Nm: number of matching between the following 2 catalog sources: Nm1: between IRSF and Zaritsky sources Nm2: between IRSF-Zartitsky and AKARI-IRAC-MIPS sources Nm3: between AKARI and IRAC-MIPS sources Nm4: between IRAC and MIPS sources dr: distance from the nearest matched source. ID, sharpness, chi, and flags are based on each catalog, except the 26th column is a detection flag which shows detections in four Zaritsky bands. The flag of "1111" means the source is detected in all UBVI bands. The unit of R.A. of the Zaritsky catalog is hour not deg.