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Download of Gaia DR2 XMatch catalogues

Gaia DR2 crossmatch catalogues are provided as gzipped csv files, and can be downloaded as a tar file from the link below.

Some of the tar files exceed 10GB. If you find difficulty to download the big tar files, please click the "URL list" and save the file on your computer. You can download each csv file by executing :

wget --content-disposition -i <file_name_of_the_URL_list>
You need to install "wget" on your computer if not installed.

The details of the tables and theirs columns can be found at 14.5 Crossmatches in the Gaia DR2 document.

Catalog name Download Total Size Description
everything URL list (240GB) all of the xmatch tables
GAIADR1 tar file
URL list
(26GB) The DR2 to DR1 neighbourhood table
allwiseBestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(8.2GB) AllWISE BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
allwiseNeighbourhood tar file
URL list
(11GB) AllWISE Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
apassdr9BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(1.8GB) APASS DR9 BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
apassdr9Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(2.6GB) APASS DR9 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
gsc23BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(23GB) GSC2.3 BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
gsc23Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(30GB) GSC2.3 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
hipparcos2BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(1.8MB) Hipparcos-2 BestNeighbour table lists each matched external catalogue object with its best neighbour in Gaia.
hipparcos2Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(2.5MB) Hipparcos-2 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched external catalogue object. A good neighbour for a given external catalogue object is a nearby object in Gaia whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
panstarrs1BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(20GB) Pan-STARRS1 BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue. There are 1,327,157 objects in the filtered version of Pan-STARRS1 used to compute this cross-match that have too early epoch_mean.
panstarrs1Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(27GB) Pan-STARRS1 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
ppmxlBestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(22GB) PPMXL BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
ppmxlNeighbourhood tar file
URL list
(28GB) PPMXL Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
ravedr5BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(12MB) RAVE DR5 table lists each matched external catalogue object with its best neighbour in Gaia.
ravedr5Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(17MB) RAVE DR5 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched external catalogue object. A good neighbour for a given external catalogue object is a nearby object in Gaia whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
sdssdr9BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(3.1GB) SDSS DR9 BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
sdssdr9Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(4.0GB) SDSS DR9 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
tmassBestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(12GB) 2MASS BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
tmassNeighbourhood tar file
URL list
(16GB) 2MASS Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
tycho2BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(61MB) Tycho-2 table lists each matched external catalogue object with its best neighbour in Gaia.
tycho2Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(83MB) Tycho-2 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched external catalogue object. A good neighbour for a given external catalogue object is a nearby object in Gaia whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.
urat1BestNeighbour tar file
URL list
(4.6GB) URAT-1 BestNeighbour table lists each matched Gaia object with its best neighbour in the external catalogue.
urat1Neighbourhood tar file
URL list
(6.2GB) URAT-1 Neighbourhood table includes all good neighbours for each matched Gaia object. A good neighbour for a given Gaia object is a nearby object in the external catalogue whose position is compatible (within position errors) with the target.