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Download of Gaia Source Catalog DR2

The whole contents of the Gaia source catalog can be downloaded as separate 61,234 CSV files. Total file size is 556GB.

  1. Download URL list file linked below.
  2. Download the CSV files by using wget command:
     $ wget --content-disposition -i gaiadr2-gaia_source-csv-url.dat
  3. The files will be saved at the current directory.

The column names of psv files are shown below. The details of the table and its columns can be found at Chapter 14.1.1 : GAIA_SOURCE in the Gaia DR2 document.

 1  solution_id                       Solution Identifier                                            long
 2  designation                       Unique source designation (unique across all Data Releases)    string
 3  source_id                         Unique source identifier                                       long 	
 4  random_index                      Random index used to select subsets                            long 	
 5  ref_epoch                         Reference epoch                                                double  Julian Year
 6  ra                                Right ascension                                                double  deg
 7  ra_error                          Standard error of right ascension                              double  mas
 8  dec                               Declination                                                    double  deg
 9  dec_error                         Standard error of declination                                  double  mas
10  parallax                          Parallax                                                       double  mas
11  parallax_error                    Standard error of parallax                                     double  mas
12  parallax_over_error               Parallax divided by its error                                  float
13  pmra                              Proper motion in right ascension direction                     double  mas/year
14  pmra_error                        Standard error of proper motion in right ascension direction   double  mas/year
15  pmdec                             Proper motion in declination direction                         double  mas/year
16  pmdec_error                       Standard error of proper motion in declination direction       double  mas/year
17  ra_dec_corr                       Correlation between right ascension and declination            float 	
18  ra_parallax_corr                  Correlation between right ascension and parallax               float 	
19  ra_pmra_corr                      Correlation between right ascension and p.m. in r.a.           float 	
20  ra_pmdec_corr                     Correlation between right ascension and p.m. in declination    float 	
21  dec_parallax_corr                 Correlation between declination and parallax                   float 	
22  dec_pmra_corr                     Correlation between declination and p.m. in right ascension    float 	
23  dec_pmdec_corr                    Correlation between declination and p.m. in declination        float 	
24  parallax_pmra_corr                Correlation between parallax and p.m. in right ascension       float 	
25  parallax_pmdec_corr               Correlation between parallax and p.m. in declination           float 	
26  pmra_pmdec_corr                   Correlation between p.m. in r.a. and p.m. in declination       float 	
27  astrometric_n_obs_al              Total number of observations AL                                int 	
28  astrometric_n_obs_ac              Total number of observations AC                                int 	
29  astrometric_n_good_obs_al         Number of good observations AL                                 int 	
30  astrometric_n_bad_obs_al          Number of bad observations AL                                  int 	
31  astrometric_gof_al                Goodness of fit statistic of model wrt along-scan observations float
32  astrometric_chi2_al               AL chi-square value                                            float
33  astrometric_excess_noise          Excess noise of the source                                     double  mas
34  astrometric_excess_noise_sig      Significance of excess noise                                   double 	
35  astrometric_params_solved         Which parameters have been solved for?                         byte
36  astrometric_primary_flag          Primary or seconday                                            boolean 	
37  astrometric_weight_al             Mean astrometric weight of the source                          float   mas^-2
38  astrometric_pseudo_colour         Astrometrically determined pseudocolour of the source          double  um^-1
39  astrometric_pseudo_colour_error   Standard error of the pseudocolour of the source               double  um^-1
40  mean_varpi_factor_al              Mean Parallax factor AL                                        float
41  astrometric_matched_observations  Matched FOV transits used in the AGIS solution                 short
42  visibility_periods_used           Number of visibility periods used in Astrometric solution      short
43  astrometric_sigma5d_max           The longest semi-major axis of the 5-d error ellipsoid         float   mas
44  frame_rotator_object_type         The type of the source mainly used for frame rotation          int
45  matched_observations              Amount of observations matched to this source                  short 	
46  duplicated_source                 Source with duplicate sources                                  boolean 	
47  phot_g_n_obs                      Number of observations contributing to G photometry            int 	
48  phot_g_mean_flux                  G band mean flux                                               double  e-s^-1
49  phot_g_mean_flux_error            Error on G band mean flux                                      double  e-s^-1
50  phot_g_mean_flux_over_error       G-band mean flux divided by its error                          float
51  phot_g_mean_mag                   G band mean magnitude                                          double  mag
52  phot_bp_n_obs                     Number of observations contributing to BP photometry           int 	
53  phot_bp_mean_flux                 BP band mean flux                                              double  e-s^-1
54  phot_bp_mean_flux_error           Error on BP band mean flux                                     double  e-s^-1
55  phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error      Integrated BP mean flux divided by its error                   float
56  phot_bp_mean_mag                  BP band mean magnitude                                         double  mag
57  phot_rp_n_obs                     Number of observations contributing to RP photometry           int 	
58  phot_rp_mean_flux                 RP band mean flux                                              double  e-s^-1
59  phot_rp_mean_flux_error           Error on RP band mean flux                                     double  e-s^-1
60  phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error      Integrated RP mean flux divided by its error                   float
61  phot_rp_mean_mag                  RP band mean magnitude                                         double  mag
62  phot_bp_rp_excess_factor          BP/RP excess factor                                            float
63  phot_proc_mode                    Photometry processing mode                                     byte
64  bp_rp                             BP - RP colour                                                 float   mag
65  bp_g                              BP - G colour                                                  float   mag
66  g_rp                              G - RP colour                                                  float   mag
67  radial_velocity                   Radial velocity                                                double  km/s
68  radial_velocity_error             Radial velocity error                                          double  km/s
69  rv_nb_transits                    Number of transits used to compute radial velocity             int
70  rv_template_teff                  Teff of the template used to compute radial velocity           float   K
71  rv_template_logg                  logg of the template used to compute radial velocity           float   log(cgs)
72  rv_template_fe_h                  Fe/H of the template used to compute radial velocity           float   dex
73  phot_variable_flag                Photometric variability flag                                   string 	
74  l                                 Galactic longitude                                             double  deg
75  b                                 Galactic latitude                                              double  deg
76  ecl_lon                           Ecliptic longitude                                             double  deg
77  ecl_lat                           Ecliptic latitude                                              double  deg
78  priam_flags                       flags for the Apsis-Priam results                              long
79  teff_val                          stellar effective temperature                                  float   K
80  teff_percentile_lower             teff_val lower uncertainty                                     float   K
81  teff_percentile_upper             teff_val upper uncertainty                                     float   K
82  a_g_val                           line-of-sight extinction in the G band, A_G                    float   mag
83  a_g_percentile_lower              a_g_val lower uncertainty                                      float   mag
84  a_g_percentile_upper              a_g_val upper uncertainty                                      float   mag
85  e_bp_min_rp_val                   line-of-sight reddening E(BP-RP)                               float   mag
86  e_bp_min_rp_percentile_lower      e_bp_min_rp_val lower uncertainty                              float   mag
87  e_bp_min_rp_percentile_upper      e_bp_min_rp_val upper uncertainty                              float   mag
88  flame_flags                       Flags for the Apsis-FLAME results                              long
89  radius_val                        stellar radius                                                 float   SolarRadius
90  radius_percentile_lower           radius_val lower uncertainty                                   float   SolarRadius
91  radius_percentile_upper           radius_val upper uncertainty                                   float   SolarRadius
92  lum_val                           stellar luminosity                                             float   SolarLuminosity
93  lum_percentile_lower              lum_val lower uncertainty                                      float   SolarLuminosity
94  lum_percentile_upper              lum_val upper uncertainty                                      float   SolarLuminosity