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NRO Star Formation Project Archive

The NRO Star Formation Legacy Project is a large project to make wide-field molecular line maps of nearby star-forming regions at 25 arcsecond resolution using the Nobeyama 45-m radio telescope.

The target regions are (1) Orion A, (2) Aquila Rift, and (3) M17 SWex molecular cloud complexes. More than 1 square degree area of each target cloud were mapped with the newly-developed 100 GHz-band 4-beam dual-polarization receiver (FOREST, from 2014), 25-beam single-polarization receiver (BEARS), and single beam dual-polarization TZ receiver. The powerful new receiver FOREST is particularly well suited for conducting large-scale mapping observations.

The current project is an extension of the previous NRO Star Formation Project (PI; Ryohei Kawabe, 2007-2011) in which we mapped several nearby star-forming regions, such as Orion A, L1551, and Rho Ophiuchus molecular clouds, mainly in 12CO using BEARS.

Acknowledgement Information:

When you publish an academic paper using the data obtained with the 45-m telescope of the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, we appreciate if you include one of the following sentences in the main text, in the acknowledgement, or in the footnote in your paper:

"based on observations at the Nobeyama Radio Observatory (NRO)" (in the main text),

"Nobeyama Radio Observatory is a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, National Institutes of Natural Sciences.",


"The 45-m radio telescope is operated by the Nobeyama Radio Observatory, a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan."

Furthermore, please include the project specific acknowledgement statement.


After you retrieved the data with JVO portal and when you find it helpful for your research work, the following acknowledgment would be appreciated:

"[Part of] the data were retrieved from the JVO portal (http://jvo.nao.ac.jp/portal/) operated by ADC/NAOJ."


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Number of datasets : 3
# Dataset ID Data ID


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checked data
QL image Freq
Coords (Ra Dec) Cube size
X x Y x V
3rd axis
Pix scale
asec x asec
x (km/s | kHz)
Velocity range
Freq range
1 AquilaRift SFP00000001

12CO 18h30m50 -01d58m25 534x533x750 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -26 -- 49 115.2522 -- 115.2810
1 AquilaRift SFP00000002

13CO 18h30m50 -01d58m25 536x533x750 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -26 -- 49 110.1832 -- 110.2107
1 AquilaRift SFP00000003

C18O 18h30m58 -02d00m21 503x492x750 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -26 -- 49 109.7641 -- 109.7915
1 AquilaRift SFP00000004

CCS 18h30m58 -02d00m21 503x492x750 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -26 -- 49 93.8546 -- 93.8781
1 AquilaRift SFP00000005

N2HP 18h30m58 -02d00m21 503x492x750 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -26 -- 49 93.1584 -- 93.1817
1 AquilaRift SFP00000006

N2HP 18h30m58 -02d00m21 503x492x750 frequency 7.5x7.5x31.08 0 -- 0 93.1584 -- 93.1817
2 M17 SFP00000007

12CO 18h18m53 -16d34m22 827x255x779 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -18 -- 60 115.2482 -- 115.2781
2 M17 SFP00000008

13CO 18h19m05 -16d35m51 827x305x779 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -18 -- 60 110.1794 -- 110.2080
2 M17 SFP00000009

C18O 18h18m28 -16d52m24 503x304x779 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -18 -- 60 109.7603 -- 109.7888
2 M17 SFP00000010

CCS 18h18m32 -16d52m52 503x288x779 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -18 -- 60 93.8514 -- 93.8757
2 M17 SFP00000011

N2HP 18h18m28 -16d52m24 503x304x779 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -18 -- 60 93.1552 -- 93.1794
2 M17 SFP00000012

N2HP 18h18m28 -16d52m24 503x304x779 frequency 7.5x7.5x31.08 0 -- 0 93.1552 -- 93.1794
3 ORIONA SFP00000013

12CO 05h36m05 -05d59m51 716x1180x222 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 -2 -- 20 115.2635 -- 115.2720
3 ORIONA SFP00000014

13CO 05h35m47 -06d00m03 747x1151x209 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.11 -2 -- 21 110.1936 -- 110.2021
3 ORIONA SFP00000015

C18O 05h35m47 -06d00m03 748x1151x209 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.11 -2 -- 21 109.7745 -- 109.7829
3 ORIONA SFP00000016

CCS 05h35m47 -06d00m03 748x1151x160 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.10 2 -- 18 93.8645 -- 93.8695
3 ORIONA SFP00000017

N2HP 05h35m47 -06d00m03 748x1151x227 velocity 7.5x7.5x0.11 -5 -- 20 93.1676 -- 93.1753
3 ORIONA SFP00000018

N2HP 05h35m47 -06d00m03 748x1151x227 frequency 7.5x7.5x34.19 0 -- 0 93.1676 -- 93.1753

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