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Gaia EDR3 WebQL

About this service:

This service provides a quick look of the Gaia EDR3 catalog.

You can make a plot for all the parameters given in the Gaia EDR3.

We also provide parameters derived from the original parameters in the Gaia source catalog, such as the Galactocentric coordinates (_x, _y, _z) or (_r, _phi, _z), velocity (_vx, _vy, _vz) or (_vr, _vphi, _vz), and absolute magnitude (_m_g) of the sources.

A quick start guide on the usage of Gaia WebQL is available at GaiaWebQLQuickStartGuide.pdf.

If you would like to create another new plot, please click the "Clear" button and start from the 1st step (selection of data).

Select Data

Select Data

Select a plot type with one of the radio buttons and select (a) parameter(s) or input (a) mathematical expression(s) (in SQL syntax) to be plotted.

Default plot will create vaious types of plot, such as sky map in the equatorail and galactic coordinate frames, density map in the galactocentric coordinates frames, absolute magnitude vs distance, HR diagram, average velociy, etc.

All columns that start with "_" are derived by the JVO project.

The Galactocentric coordinate frame used in this database is defined as that the center of the Milky Way is its origin, the direction of the z axis is toward the north galactic pole, and the x axis toward the Sun. The coordinate of the Sun is set to (8.3kpc, 0kpc, 0.027kpc). The circular velocity the Milky Way at the Sun was set to -220 km/s. The peculiar velocity of the Sun was set to (vx, vy, vz) = (11.1kms, 12.24km, 7.25km).

Refere to the external site Column Descriptions for a complete description of the columns given in the Gaia source catalog.

sky map in the equatorail and galactic coordinate frames, density map in the galactocentric coordinates frames, absolute magnitude vs distance, HR diagram, distribution average velociy, etc
or expression
in coordinates of
in coordinates of
X axis xmin: xmax: xbin:
Y axis ymin: ymax: ybin:

Query Condition

Query Conditions

All columns that start with "_" are derived by the JVO project.

Refere to the external site Column Descriptions for a complete description of the columns given in the Gaia source catalog.

A short description will pop up when you put the cursor on the "?" mark.

Criteria unchecked in the checkbox are ignored.

(un)check all
disable help
Search Region
Center Coord : Radius :

Input a list of center coord or object name and radius in CSV format ==> <id>,<cood1>,<coord2>,<radius> or <id>,<name>,<radius>

Upload a list of center coord or object name and radius in CSV format ==> <id>,<cood1>,<coord2>,<radius> or <id>,<name>,<radius>

Coordinate frame: Radius unit:

_x? >= & < _y? >= & < _z? >= & <
_r? >= & < _phi? >= & < _m_g? >= & <
_vx? >= & < _vy? >= & < _vz? >= & <
_vr? >= & < _vphi? >= & <
_vx_e? >= & < _vy_e? >= & < _vz_e? >= & <
_vr_e? >= & < _vphi_e? >= & <
solution_id? >= & < designation? ~* source_id? >= & <
random_index? >= & < ref_epoch? >= & <
ra? >= & < ra_error? >= & <
dec? >= & < dec_error? >= & <
parallax? >= & < parallax_error? >= & < parallax_over_error? >= & <
pm? >= & < pmra? >= & < pmdec? >= & <
pmra_error? >= & < pmdec_error? >= & <
ra_dec_corr? >= & < ra_parallax_corr? >= & < ra_pmra_corr? >= & <
ra_pmdec_corr? >= & < dec_parallax_corr? >= & < dec_pmra_corr? >= & <
dec_pmdec_corr? >= & < parallax_pmra_corr? >= & < parallax_pmdec_corr? >= & <
pmra_pmdec_corr? >= & <
astrometric_n_obs_al? >= & < astrometric_n_obs_ac? >= & <
astrometric_n_good_obs_al? >= & < astrometric_n_bad_obs_al? >= & <
astrometric_gof_al? >= & < astrometric_chi2_al? >= & <
astrometric_excess_noise? >= & < astrometric_excess_noise_sig? >= & <
astrometric_params_solved? >= & < astrometric_primary_flag? = nu_eff_used_in_astrometry? >= & <
pseudocolour? >= & < pseudocolour_error? >= & <
ra_pseudocolour_corr? >= & < dec_pseudocolour_corr? >= & < parallax_pseudocolour_corr? >= & <
pmra_pseudocolour_corr? >= & < pmdec_pseudocolour_corr? >= & <
astrometric_matched_transits? >= & < visibility_periods_used? >= & < astrometric_sigma5d_max? >= & <
matched_transits? >= & < new_matched_transits? >= & < matched_transits_removed? >= & <
ipd_gof_harmonic_amplitude? >= & < ipd_gof_harmonic_phase? >= & <
ipd_frac_multi_peak? >= & < ipd_frac_odd_win? >= & <
ruwe? >= & <
scan_direction_strength_k1? >= & < scan_direction_strength_k2? >= & < scan_direction_strength_k3? >= & <
scan_direction_strength_k4? >= & < scan_direction_mean_k1? >= & < scan_direction_mean_k2? >= & <
scan_direction_mean_k3? >= & < scan_direction_mean_k4? >= & <
duplicated_source? =
phot_g_n_obs? >= & < phot_g_mean_mag? >= & < phot_g_mean_flux? >= & <
phot_g_mean_flux_error? >= & < phot_g_mean_flux_over_error? >= & <
phot_bp_n_obs? >= & < phot_bp_mean_mag? >= & < phot_bp_mean_flux? >= & <
phot_bp_mean_flux_error? >= & < phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error? >= & <
phot_rp_n_obs? >= & < phot_rp_mean_mag? >= & < phot_rp_mean_flux? >= & <
phot_rp_mean_flux_error? >= & < phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error? >= & <
phot_bp_n_contaminated_transits? >= & < phot_bp_n_blended_transits? >= & <
phot_rp_n_contaminated_transits? >= & < phot_rp_n_blended_transits? >= & <
phot_bp_rp_excess_factor? >= & < phot_proc_mode? >= & <
bp_rp? >= & < bp_g? >= & < g_rp? >= & <
dr2_radial_velocity? >= & < dr2_radial_velocity_error? >= & < dr2_rv_nb_transits? >= & <
dr2_rv_template_teff? >= & < dr2_rv_template_logg? >= & < dr2_rv_template_fe_h? >= & <
l? >= & < b? >= & <
ecl_lon? >= & < ecl_lat? >= & <
SQL condition?


Progress of query & plot

Progress :

Number of query in queue:

Please wait until the number in queue becomes 0.

Status :

Reason :

Number of data & query confirmation

Condition :

# of search regions :

Number of data: calculating...

Number of query in queue:

Please wait until the number in queue becomes 0.

Query Confirmation Failed